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- Önder T, Kazkayasi M, Aktaş D, Özünlü A, Dündar A. Euroscan application following curative treatment in head and neck cancers. KBB-BBC Dergisi 1993;5: 56-9.
- Aktaş D, Kazkayasi M, Kahramanyol M, Sayal A. Serum selenium levels in patients with head and neck cancer. The Turkish Journal of Hematology and Oncology 1994;1:18-22.
- Kazkayasi M, Özünlü A, Gerek M, Baysallar M. Medical treatment in chronic suppurative otitis media. KBB-BBC Dergisi 1996;4:1-4.
- Aktaş A, Gerek M, Özünlü A, Kazkayasi M, Özkaptan Y. Treatment in glomus jugulare tumors. KBB-BBC Dergisi 1996;4(2):153-6.
- Yetişer S, Gerek M, Kazkayasi M, Özkaptan Y. Cervicofacial necrotizing fasciitis in face. A Case Report. K.B.B Bülteni 1998;5(1):28-31.
- Özçelik S, Kazkayasi M, Civitçi D. The effects of music education on musical hearing and perception. G.Ü. Gazi Eğitim Fak. Dergisi 1998;18(3);67-76.
- Kazkayasi M, Önerci M. Sinus diseases at children. Sendrom Tıp Dergisi 1999;11(4);56-64.
- Kazkayasi M, Yetişer S, Dündar A. Acute tonsillitis. Sendrom Medical Journal 1999;11(5):99-108.
- Kazkayasi M, Yetişer S, Dündar A. Deep neck infections: The etiology and clinical course. The Medical Bulletin of PTT Hospital 1999;21(1):24-30.
- Kazkayasi M, Ünal G, Çakmakçı E, Uzun H. Nasal irrigation with isotonic-hypertonic salin solution. KBB-BBC Dergisi 1999;7(3):188-191.
- Kazkayasi M, Yetişer S, Önerci M. The incidence of sinusitis in children, who attend day-care center, with otitis media with effusion. The Journal of Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Medicine 2000;2(1):22-4.
- Kazkayasi M, Altınok D, Önerci M. Comparison of the results of ultrasonography and Waters’ graphy with computed tomography in the diagnosis of maksillary sinusitis. The Journal of Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Medicine 2000;2(2):92-5.
- Yetişer S, Kazkayasi M, Muş N. Central Neurofibromatosis. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 2000;7(1):70-4.
- Kazkayasi M, İnal A, Yetişer S, Muşabak U, Şengül A, Dündar A. Serum immunglobulin levels in patients with laryngeal carcinoma. Acta Oncologica Turcica 2000;33(1-4):6-9.
- Kazkayasi M, Muşabak U, Yetişer S, İnal A, Dündar A, Şengül A. HLA antigens in patients with laryngeal carcinoma. Acta Oncologica Turcica 2000;33(1-4):10-13.
- Kazkayasi M, Hizel S, Karadeniz Y, Koç MC. Anatomic pathologies of the upper airways in children with maksillary sinusitis. The Journal of Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Medicine 2001;3(1):12-4.
- Kazkayasi M, Kaygusuz S, Kılıç D, Bayar N, Koç MC. The incidence of group-A beta haemolytic streptococci in the etiology of childhood acute tonsillopharyngitis. The Journal of Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Medicine 2001;3(2):59-62.
- Ersoy M, Kazkayasi M, Ergin A,Elhan A. Morphometry and surgical anatomy of the saccus lacrimalis and ductus nasolacrimalis. Türk Oftalmoloji Gazetesi 2001;31;541–
- Koç MC, Kazkayasi M. Endoscopic sinus surgery with three dimensional imaging guiding system. Gülhane Tıp Dergisi 2001;43(4):444-447.
- Kazkayasi M, Karadeniz Y, Altınok D, Koç MC. Investigation of the anatomic variations of the sphenoid sinus with the computed tomography. KBB-BBC Dergisi 2001;9(2):125-8.
- Kazkayasi M, Karadeniz Y, Koç MC. Pathologic findings on paranasal sinus computed tomography of the children. KBB-BBC Dergisi 2001;9(3):74-7.
- Kazkayasi M, Ekici A, Yılmaz S, Bayar N, Çırpar Ö, Koç MC. Sinonasal pathologic findings in patients with bronchial asthma. KBB-BBC Dergisi 2002;10(1):20-4.
- Kazkayasi M, Başar H, Başar MM, Bayar N, Koç MC. The role of upper airway pathologies as an etiologic factor in children with nocturnal enuresis. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Surgical Medical Sciences 2002;2(2):84-9.
- Apan A, Kazkayasi M, Yılmaz S, Koç C. Difficult intubation: Clinical and radiological evaluation. The Medical Bulletin of PTT Hospital 2002;24(1):7-13.
- Arıkan O, Kendi T, Kazkayasi M, Koç C. Myoepithelioma arising from parapharyngeal space; MR imaging and MR spectroscopy findings. KBB Klinikleri Dergisi 2006. in press.
- Kazkayasi M, Arıkan OK, Datlı F, Kılıç R. Comparison of endoscopic examination, lateral radiograph of the nasopharynx and clinical assessment in evaluating enlargement of adenoids in children. KBB-BBC Dergisi 2007;15(3):109-14.
- Datlı F, Kazkayasi M, Bulcun E, Kılıç R, Ekici A, Ekici M. The comparison of acoustic rhinometry and nasal spirometry in evaluating the functional capacity of the nasal airway in healthy subjects. 2007;6(4):127-31.
- Kazkayasi M, Köybaşoğlu F. Unusual brain and temporal bone metastases of a botryoid type of embryonal nasopharyngeal rhabdomyos International Journal of Hematology and Oncology 2007;3(17);157-162.
- Kazkayasi M, Örnek K. Endonasal endoscopic dacriocystorhinostomy. Current Management in Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2008; 4(2):5-12.
- Kazkayasi M, Arıkan O, Dikici O. Approach to parapharyngeal tumors. KBB-BBC 2008;16(2):87-92.
- Kazkayasi M, Arıkan OK, Dikici O, Tahran Inverted papillomas accompanied by mucocele or carsinoma. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Surgical Medical Sciences 2009;29(1):267-72.
- Özata Ö, Kazkayası M. The effects of cigarette on medical and surgical treatment of ear nose and throat diseases. 2010;9(2):40-46.
- Kazkayası M, Öntepeli S. Ear nose throat surgery with navigation system. Türkiye Klinikleri J E.N.T. Special Topics 2010;3(4):16-28.
- Bulcun E, Ekici A, Ekici M, Yıldız Gülhan P, Güngör Ö, Kazkayası M. A case of miliary tuberculosis detected by laryngeal edema: Complication with septic shock and trombocytopenia. Solunum 2013;15(1):56-59.
- Arslan Mutlu B., Kazkayası M. The use of high technology. Türkiye Klinikleri J E.N.T. Special Topics 2013;6(4):73-77.
- Kazkayasi M, Hizel S, Karadeniz Y, Yıldırım C. Anatomo-pathologic Incidence of Upper Airway in Children With Rhinosinusitis. “I. Congress of National Pediatric Airway Diseases”. 11-12 May 2000, İSTANBUL.
- Batay F, Kazkayasi M, Bengi O, Tekdemir İ, Deda H. Morphometric evaluation of the supraorbital foramen and frontal sinus in orbitozygomatic approach. National Skull Base Congress, 22-23 May 2001, ANTALYA.
- Kazkayasi M, Bayar N, Yılmaz S, Ekici M, Çırpar Ö, Koç MC. Sinonasal pathologic findings in patients with bronchial asthma. 26. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology, 22-26 September 2001, ANTALYA.
- Aydemir G, Kazkayasi M, Karadeniz Y, Altınok D, Koç MC. The pathologies and anomalies of the sphenoid sinus on paranasal sinus computed tomography. 26. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology, 22-26 September 2001, ANTALYA.
- Kazkayasi M, Dincer C, Arıkan O, Kılıç R. The effect of nasal packing and suture technique on systemic oxygen saturation and patient comfort after septoplasty “XXIX. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology”. 26-31 May 2007, Belek, ANTALYA.
- Datlı F, Kazkayasi M, Bulcun E, Kılıç R, Ekici A, Ekici M. The comparison of acoustic rhinometry and nasal spirometry in the evaluation of nasal airway in healthy subjects. “XXIX. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology”. 26-31 May 2007, Belek, ANTALYA.
- Kazkayasi M. The cartilage pyramid let-down technique in rhinoplasties. “Video Conferenses-6, The approaches of current management in otorhinolaryngology”. 22-23 March 2008, ADANA.
- Bulcun E, Kazkayasi M, Tahran DF, Altınkaya V, Ekici M. The effect of septoplasty on pulmonary functions in patients with septal deviation. “The Turkish Associaton of Torax. 11. Annual Congress”. 23-27 April 2008, Belek-ANTALYA.
- Kazkayası M. Rhinoplasty with the cartilage pyramid let-down technique in crooked and humped noses. “8th International Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery ”. 15-17 May 2008, ANKARA.
- Kazkayasi M, Tuna E. The use of bullous middle turbinate flap for the repair of nasal septal perforation. “4. National Rhinology Congress”. 29 May-1 June 2008, Lara-ANTALYA.
- Kazkayası M, Ağaoğlu İ. The results of septal surgery in children. “6th National Rhinology Congress”. 19-23 May 2010, ANTALYA.
- Kazkayası M, Atasoy P, Yıldırım N, Ağaoğlu İ, Kılıç R. The histopathologic examination of adenoid hyperplasia in adults and children. “6th National Rhinology Congress”. 19-23 May 2010, ANTALYA.
- Kazkayası M, Ağaoğlu İ, Ayva Ş, Tatar N, Kılıç R. The comparison of cold knife and capsule sparing the techniques of tonsillectomy. “32nd Turkish National Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery Congress”. 27-31 October 2010, ANTALYA.
- Önder T, de Vries N, Snow G.B., Kazkayasi M. Retinoids in Head and Neck Cancers (Euroscan Application). XXI. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology, 5-12 October 1991, ANTALYA.
- Kazkayasi M, Özünlü A, Gerek M, Baysallar M. Medical Treatment in Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media. 23. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology, 30 September-4 October 1995, ANTALYA.
- Kazkayasi M, Örmeci Ö, Taheri N. Prevalance of Nasal Allergy in Children With Chronic Maxillary Sinusitis. “Symposium of Pediatric Otolaryngology”. İstanbul University. 1-4 September 1996, İSTANBUL.
- Kazkayasi M, Gerek M, Yetişer S, İnal A, Dündar A. Serum Immunglobulin Levels in Patients with Laryngeal Carcinoma. 24. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology, 23-27 September 1997, ANTALYA.
- Kazkayasi M, Yetişer S, Gerek M, İnal A, Dündar A. HLA Antigens in Patients with Laryngeal Carcinoma. 24. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology 23-27 September 1997, ANTALYA.
- Muş N, Serçe G, Gerek M, Yetişer S, Kazkayasi M. The Results of Voice Prosthesis in Patients with Total Laryngectomy. 24. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology, 23-27 September 1997, ANTALYA.
- Kazkayasi M, Önerci M, Altınok D, Ceylan S. Comparison of The Results of Ultrasonography and Waters’ Graphy With Computed Tomografi in The Diagnosis of Maksillary Sinusitis. 25. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology, 18-22 September 1999, İZMİR.
- Kazkayasi M, Yetişer S, Önerci M. The Incidence of Sinusitis in Children, Who Attend Day-Care Center, With Otitis Media With Effusion. 25. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology, 18-22 September 1999, İZMİR.
- Satar B, Kazkayasi M, Yetişer S, Dündar A. Investigation of Vitamine B12 Levels in Patients With Acoustic Trauma. 25. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology, 18-22 September 1999, İZMİR.
- Erdoğan A, Kazkayasi M, Çakmakçı E, Babila A. The Results of Surgical Treatment in Laryngeal Cancers. 25. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology, 18-22 September 1999, İZMİR.
- Başar H, Batislam E, Başar MM, Kazkayasi M, Yılmaz E. Investigation of The Various Etiological Factors in 213 Patients With Primary Nocturnal Enuresis. “16. National Urology Congress”. 8-12 October 2000, İZMİR.
- Kazkayasi M, Bayar N, Yılmaz S, Çırpar Ö, Ekici M, Koç MC. Sinonasal Pathologic Findings in Patients With Bronchial Asthma. “II. Palandöken ENT Symposium” (Rinolojide Yenilikler). Erzurum ENT and HNS Association, 21-24 March 2001, ERZURUM.
- Çırpar Ö, Kazkayasi M, Aydemir G, Bayar N, Koç MC. The Relationship Between Allergic Rinitis and Chronic Sinusitis. 26. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology, 22-26 September 2001, ANTALYA.
- Kazkayasi M, Ekici A, Yılmaz S, Ekici M, Koç MC. The Relationship Between Bronchial Hyper-reactivity and Paranasal Sinus Computed Tomography in Patients With Bronchial Asthma. 26. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology, 22-26 September 2001, ANTALYA.
- Bayar N, Kazkayasi M, Ekici A, Kısa Ü, Apan TZ, Atasoy P, Koç MC. Bronchial Asthma and Allergic Rinitis. 26. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology, 22-26 September 2001, ANTALYA.
- Bayar N, Oğuz Ö, Kazkayasi M, Koç MC. MMPI Test and Sinusitis. 26. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology, 22-26 September 2001, ANTALYA.
- Apan A, Kazkayasi M, Yılmaz S, Özcan Ş, Çırpar Ö, Koç C. Difficult Intubation: Clinical and Radiological Evaluation. XXXV. Congress of Turk Anestesiology and Reanimation Association, 27-31 September 2001, ANTALYA.
- Altınok D, Kazkayasi M, Yetişer S, Karadeniz Y, Kara S. Findings of Superior ve Posterior Semisircular Canal Dehissence on Computed Tomography. 22. Turk Radiology Congress, 26-31 September 2001, ANTALYA.
- Altınok D, Kazkayasi M, Yetişer S, Karadeniz Y, Ulkatan S. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of Periferal Fascial Paralysis. 22. Turk Radiology Congress, 26-31 September 2001, ANTALYA.
- Kazkayasi M, Koç C, Arıkan OK, Çırpar Ö. Vertebrobasilary artery aneurisym presenting with peripheral fascial paralysis. “XXVII. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology”. 4-9 Ekim 2003, Kemer-ANTALYA.
- Arıkan OK, Kendi T, Kazkayasi M, Koç C. Myoepithelioma arising from parapharyngeal space; MR imaging and MR spectroscopy findings. “XXVII. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology”. 4-9 Ekim 2003, Kemer-ANTALYA
- Dincer C, Datli F, Kazkayasi M, Kiliç R. Maxillary lymphoma. “XXVIII. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology”. 4-9 Mayıs 2005, Belek-ANTALYA.
- Kazkayasi M, Arıkan OK, Kılıç R. Comparison of endoscopic examination, lateral radiograph of the nasopharynx and clinical assessment in evaluating enlargement of adenoids in children. “XXIX. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology”. 26-31 Mayıs 2007, Belek-ANTALYA.
- Arıkan OK, Özcan Ş, Kazkayasi M, Akpınar S, Kılıç R, Çırpar Ö. Comparison of preincisional high-dose ropivacaine with bupivacaine in posttonsillectomy pain relief: A double-blind, randomised, controlled study. “XXIX. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology”. 26-31 Mayıs 2007, Belek-ANTALYA.
- Temel S, Arıkan OK, Kazkayasi M, Kılıç R, Yılmaz M, Ebinç H. The effects of insulin independent Diabetes Mellitus and hyperlipidemia, together and separately, to the hearing. “XXVII. National Congress of Turk Otorhinolaryngology”. 4-9 Ekim 2007, Belek-ANTALYA.
- Kazkayasi M, Dincer C, Sezikli H, Arıkan OK, Çağlayan O. The effect of nasal packing and suture technique on systemic oxygen saturation on septoplasty operations. “8th International Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery ”. 15-17 May 2008, ANKARA.
- Tahran DF, Kazkayasi M, Bulcun E, Ekici M, Kılıç R, Ekici A. The comparison of classical examination methods, acoustic rhinometry and nasal spirometry in septal deviation pre- and postoperatively. “8. International Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery ”. 15-17 May 2008, ANKARA.
- Kazkayası M, Tuna E, Ağaoğlu I. The use of unsinate process in the repair of nasal septal perforation. “30th Turkish National Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery Congress”. 8-12 October 2008, ANTALYA.
- Kılıç R, Kazkayası M, Tuna E. Rapidly growing mass in the neck: An unusual localization of Castleman disease. “31th Turkish National Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery Congress”. 28 October-01 November 2009, ANTALYA.
- Kılıç R, Kazkayası M, Özata Ö. Cavernous hemangioma in the external ear canal. “31th Turkish National Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery Congress”. 28 October-01 November 2009, ANTALYA.
- Şahiner N, Koçak M, Demirçeken F, Kısa Ü, Ayva Ş, Kazkayası M. A family diagnosed with Tangier disease. “23rd National Dermatology Congress”. 19-23 October 2010, ANTALYA.
- Çelebi AA, Ağaoğlu İ, Çatalbaş B, Gelgör İE, Kazkayası M. Determination of facial changes according to the cephalometric values of Arnett in children with adenoidectomy. “32th Turkish National Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery Congress”. 27-31 October 2010, ANTALYA.
- Bulcun E, Ekici A, Ekici M, Yıldız Gülhan P, Güngör Ö, Kazkayası M. A case of miliary tuberculosis detected by laryngeal edema: Complication with septic shock and trombocytopenia. 15-19 Ekim 2011, Çeşme- İZMİR.
- Özata Ö, Kazkayası M, Onaran Z, Aydın G, Usta G, Kılıç R,. Odyovestibular findings in connective tissue diseases. “10th International Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Congress” April 26-28 2012, ANKARA
- Arslan Mutlu B, Kandemir S, Kazkayası M. Schwannoma in tongue- A case report. “35th Turkish National Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery Congress”. 2-6 November 2013, ANTALYA.